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Why Baby Scans Are Must OPT During Pregnancy?

A baby scan is a type of ultrasound performed on a pregnant woman. Ultrasounds are the first standard scan provided by the NHS, and this scan is called the Nuchal Scan and is conducted at roughly 12 weeks. There are benefits to scheduling a private ultrasound early in your pregnancy. Between 7 and 11 weeks is ideal for organizing baby scans. An internal ultrasound won’t be necessary after week 7, as an abdominal scan may be used to check on your baby. For medical reasons, an earlier scan may be required in rare circumstances. In other words, a transvaginal approach is needed. By this, it is clear baby scans are essential for pregnant women at regular intervals. Let’s dig more into the importance of baby scans.

A Few Benefits of Getting a Baby Scans

Depending on the advice of your midwife or obstetrician, you may need to get an Early Pregnancy Scan for health concerns. Baby Scans have apparent medical benefits, but psychological gains may also come from knowing your baby is well.

  • Get an exact due date estimate and find out how long you’ve been pregnant as soon as possible.
  • It is especially critical to confirm the pregnancy’s viability and rule out an ectopic pregnancy if the expectant mother has a history of complications during her pregnancy.
  • Check for causes of discomfort and bleeding.
  • Check to see whether you’re carrying more than one baby.
  • Your pregnancy is considered high risk if you are over 35 or have any other health difficulties.
  • Quickly get your initial scan images and media.
  • Avoid waiting for the nuchal scan to get your first look at your newborn.

Is There Any Risk of Getting a Pregnancy Baby Scan Test?

  • There is no medical risk associated with getting an early pregnancy ultrasound. This scan may not be ideal for you; however, if any of the following apply:
  • You fear that undergoing the scan would heighten your already elevated anxiety levels.
  • You’d rather stay in bed and recover from your fatigue or other symptoms, like morning sickness, than go to the doctor for an unnecessary scan.
  • You’d instead hold off on having the initial scan until we can give you more information about your baby’s health.
  • You’d want to get your first scan at the same time as your NIPT treatment, which we can do after ten weeks.

What should I expect throughout the scan?

The scan is performed in a low-light environment so the ultrasound Technician can capture clear pictures of your unborn child.

Your belly will be exposed while you lie on your back.

Your sonographer will apply ultrasonic gel to your stomach to provide a secure connection between the device and your skin during the procedure.

As the sonographer moves the probe over your stomach, an image of your unborn child will show on the screen.

Sonographers must arrange the screen so that they have a clear view of the infant throughout the examination.

Your sonographer will do a thorough physical examination of your baby. To capture the most outstanding images of the baby, the sonographer may need to put a little pressure on your stomach.

When can I expect the results of a scan?

Typically, a scan will take between 5 and 10 minutes. However, if your baby is lying in an unusual posture or is moving around a lot, the sonographer may need help to capture clear images. Scanning might take longer or need redone if a clear picture is difficult to obtain.

How Can We Help?

There are endless benefits and reasons to opt for baby scans. And for the same, if you need expert help, we at Bump2Baby Scans are here to help you. Our convenient online booking system allows you to schedule baby scans at your convenience, no matter where you live.

Connect now for the best help!