Back Pain During Pregnancy

Ways to Reduce Back Pain During the Time of Pregnancy

Oh my back ache

Pregnancy can give you all sorts of feelings, emotions, ups and downs. Maybe you will be feeling anxious, nervous, excited, blessed. That’s normal. However, you might also be handling low back pain and achiness, fatigue and discomfort. As normal as it is to feel that pain and discomfort in this particular time you need to be strong.

Your body is under several changes ! Yes it’s because your  baby is getting bigger daily, and your body needs to be ready for the extra weight, fluid and mass.  Some of the body parts begin to stretch, giving more space so that your baby can grow and grow in a proper way. For that to happen, hormones get involved,and your muscles start to literally pull out. It’s no surprise you feel low and tired ! Your muscles and ligaments are in a continuous battle !

Mommy needs some love & Support

I have your back

In my entire career, I see many pregnant moms daily for low back pain. They are often referred to consult a good doctor which leads to a smoother process for a better go. 

Adjustments are safe, gentle and effective !

Stretch it out

Focus on you and that little one. Rest as much as you can, also stay active to increase your body boost and STRETCH ! I wouldn’t be completely honest or equivalent with your thoughts but , if I did not highlight these main points  that you get adjusted and recommend that you wear pregnancy support.

One of my favorite stretches is what I refer to as the “squat” Stretch. It’s super easy and will help you to reduce your back pain, especially after a long working  day. It will release all your stress in order to do what we do in our office and keep you feeling better longer.

STEP 1: Lay down on your back on a firm surface.

STEP 2: Bend your right knee.

STEP 3: Bring your right knee into your chest (you may need to shift your leg to the side slightly so as to not hit your belly bump).

STEP 4: BREATHE! Hold for 20-30 seconds. Perform 2-3 times.

STEP 5: Repeat steps 1-5 on the left side.

This stretch helps release tension in your muscles and  let you work out more in order to gain a bit of more stamina . These muscles essentially help stabilize your lower area and work hard during your daily life, especially during pregnancy.

Pamper yourself

Taking (and making) time for yourself to rest and recover is important because you are undergoing a huge amount of back pain as well you need to take care of the baby in order to make sure the baby is healthy. Being pregnant can be a hard period for the first time mum and you deserve a break so that you can be relaxed. Along with all the things mentioned above, should be followed properly and should be an integral part of your healthcare routine. Give those tired muscles an extra boost and seek out a massage therapist to smooth out those kinks and knots. Let your mind relax and feel your stress gone away.

While the new mother has loosened up flowing through her body, she will go through another assignment, which is tediously lifting and bringing down her infant. This is muddled by the way that the small baby will keep on putting on weight at a quick rate! Making it significantly more hard for your center musculature and lumbar spine to acclimate to the heap. 

The new mother will likewise likely experience issues with dozing in the initial not many months! This will expand the trouble focusing on legitimate structure while lifting and bringing down the child! Lack of sleep (while painful) fundamentally decreases the capacity to zero in on the job needing to be done, which is securing the infant and furthermore ensuring the mother!

Read more : How to deal with back pain and pelvic pain at time of pregnancy