Morning Sickness in Pregnancy

Morning Sickness in Pregnancy

What is morning sickness?

Morning sickness, often known as pregnant nausea and vomiting, is a common ailment. It affects over 70% of pregnancies and typically begins around week 6 of pregnancy and lasts for weeks or months. During the second trimester, symptoms normally improve (weeks 13 to 27; the middle 3 months of pregnancy). Morning sickness, on the other hand, affects a small percentage of pregnant women.

Morning sickness, despite its name, can strike at any time of day.

Can morning sickness get serious?

Yes. Morning sickness causes most women to feel nauseous for a brief period each day, and they may vomit once or twice. Morning sickness might linger for several hours each day in more severe cases, and vomiting is more common. Hyperemesis gravidarum is the most severe kind of nausea and vomiting, which affects up to 3% of pregnant women.

What causes morning sickness in pregnancy?

The exact reason for morning sickness is unknown. Low blood sugar or an increase in pregnancy hormones like human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) or oestrogen may be to blame. Stress, being overtired, eating specific foods, or having motion sensitivity can all make morning sickness worse (motion sickness).

What are the symptoms of severe morning sickness?

The following are signs and symptoms of hyperemesis gravidarum or morning sickness:

  • More than three times a day, I vomit.
  • Severe dehydration (signs of which include little-to-no urine production, dark-coloured urine, dizziness withstanding).
  • Losing 5 pounds or more.

Women who are suffering from severe morning sickness may need to be hospitalized to get IV fluids to rehydrate and anti-nausea drugs.

What can I do to feel better if I have morning sickness?

You may improve your mood by doing a few things. These are some of them:

  • In the morning, eat a few crackers or toast to help settle your stomach. Keep a few crackers by your nightstand and consume one or two before getting out of bed.
  • Instead of three substantial meals a day, eat 5 or 6 little meals.
  • Spicy and greasy foods should be avoided. Bananas, rice, dry toast, plain baked potato, gelatin, broth, eggs, tofu, or applesauce are examples of bland foods.
  • Snack on healthful foods like yoghurt, peanut butter on apple slices or celery, cheese, milk, or nuts in between meals.
  • Throughout the day, drink plenty of fluids, especially water.
  • With a snack, take your prenatal vitamins. If your prenatal supplement contains iron, take it before going to bed. Other vitamin options should be discussed with your doctor.
  • Avoid scents, flickering lights, and other conditions that make you feel nauseous.
  • Make ginger tea or ginger candies using real grated ginger.
  • Make sure you get enough sleep.
  • To get some fresh air, keep rooms well aired, turn on a fan, or step outside from time to time.
  • Smell lemon, citrus, or mint for a refreshing, pleasant aroma.

Other approaches may be effective in reducing nausea. Before doing any of the following, consult your healthcare provider:

  • Wristband with acupressure. These bands put pressure on specific areas of the wrist.
  • Acupuncture. Thin needles are inserted into the skin in this therapy approach.

Marijuana should not be used to alleviate morning sickness! It has not been proven to be safe for your unborn child while you are pregnant.

What medications are available to treat morning sickness?

Vitamin B6 (commonly known as pyridoxine) and doxylamine may be recommended by your doctor. Doxylamine is also used to help people sleep and to treat allergies like hay fever. Both drugs are available without a prescription and are available over-the-counter. However, there is a tablet that has both of these products in one pill. It’s sold under the brand name Diclegis® and is only available with a prescription. Diclegis® is a single slow-release pill, unlike the various over-the-counter medications. This may be more convenient or beneficial for women who have difficulty swallowing multiple pills each day (for example, due to a gag reflex).

Antiemetic medications (also known as antiemetics) can also be prescribed. Other drug classes, such as antihistamines and anticholinergics, can be attempted if they don’t work. You and your doctor will decide which medications are most effective for you.

Does morning sickness hurt my baby?

Pregnancy nausea and vomiting that is mild to severe is usually not dangerous to you or your baby. However, if you can’t keep food or liquid down, you’ll become dehydrated and lose weight, which might be a concern. Severe nausea and vomiting that goes untreated can prevent you from getting the nutrition you need and impact your baby’s birth weight.

Are women at a higher risk of developing severe morning sickness?

Yes. A woman’s chances of experiencing severe morning sickness are raised if you:

  • Is expecting multiple children – twins, triplets, or more.
  • Has experienced severe morning sickness during a prior pregnancy, or has a mother or sister who has experienced severe morning sickness during pregnancy.
  • Is expecting a baby girl.
  • There is a history of motion sickness in her family.
  • Has a migraine history.
  • Is a little overweight.
  • Has trophoblastic illness, a condition that causes abnormal cell growth in the womb (uterus).

When do I have to call my doctor?

Do not put off seeing a doctor until your vomiting gets severe. Getting treatment for morning sickness early in pregnancy can help you avoid it getting worse. Severe vomiting is not a common occurrence during pregnancy, and it necessitates medical attention or perhaps hospitalisation.

Another reason to look into extreme nausea and vomiting is that it could be a sign of something else, such as ulcers, reflux (heartburn), food poisoning, thyroid disease, gallbladder disease, or inflammation of the appendix, stomach, pancreas, or liver.

If you experience any of the following symptoms, contact your doctor right away:

  • You’re experiencing nausea that lasts all day and prevents you from eating or drinking.
  • Three or more times every day, you vomit.
  • Vomit that is brown in hue or contains blood.
  • Reduce your weight.
  • Feeling exhausted or befuddled.
  • Have you ever felt dizzy or fainted?
  • Have a quick heart rate.
  • Urine production is little to non-existent.