Best sleeping position during pregnancy

Best Sleeping Positions During Pregnancy

SOS (sleep on the side) is the best sleeping position during pregnancy for you and your baby during pregnancy since it allows for optimum circulation. It also puts the least amount of strain on your internal organs and veins. The amount of blood and nutrients that reach the placenta and your baby will increase if you sleep on your left side. In addition, excellent circulation helps to minimise oedema, varicose veins, and haemorrhoids.

How Can I Sleep More Comfortably During Pregnancy?

To ease the stress on your back, keep your legs and knees bent and a pillow between your legs.

  • If you’re feeling back discomfort, consider putting a pillow under your abdomen and using the “SOS” position.
  • If you’re having trouble sleeping because of heartburn, consider supporting your upper body up with pillows.
  • A typical symptom of late pregnancy is shortness of breath. Lie on your side or prop yourself up with pillows if you’re having trouble sleeping.

These positions will be uncomfortable at first, especially for those who are used to sleeping on their stomach or back but give them a try. They may work for you. It’s important to remember that you won’t be able to stay in one position all night, so switching positions is good.

What Sleep Positions Should I Avoid During Pregnancy?

Sleeping on your stomach: Your breasts get more painful as your pregnancy progresses, and your abdomen continues to develop, making sleeping on your stomach uncomfortable. A doughnut-shaped pillow (with a hole in the centre) may help to sleep on your stomach more comfortably.

Sleeping on your back: Back pain, breathing problems, digestive problems, haemorrhoids, low blood pressure, and decreased circulation to the heart and baby are all possible side effects of sleeping on the back. Your developing abdomen rests on your intestines and main blood veins, causing this (the aorta and vena cava). As you gain weight, you may develop sleep apnea.

Reasons for your discomfort may include

You can challenge getting comfortable in bed before falling asleep during pregnancy. When she is pregnant, her body goes through many changes that make it difficult to sleep in her typical postures.

  • Insomnia
  • Acidity
  • Back pain
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Increase in the abdomen’s size.

More Steps to Sleeping Better While Pregnant

Limit caffeine: After 3 p.m., avoid drinking caffeinated coffee or tea.

Drink lots of water: Drink lots of water during the day, but stop a few hours before bed to avoid having to get up and go to the bathroom.

Exercise for 30 minutes – Exercise improves sleep quality, but don’t do it within four hours of bedtime.

Relaxing Activities: Relax with a hot bath, foot or shoulder massage.

Quiet Bedroom – It will be easier to fall asleep and stay asleep if your bedroom is dark, quiet, and cold at night.

Ways to make side sleeping work

If side sleeping isn’t your thing, here are some tips for making it more natural or at the very least more comfortable.

If you’re particularly concerned about your sleeping posture, you may even ask your partner to periodically check on you and gently nudge you into a more comfortable position.

First trimester

Early on, sleeping in any position is usually fine. Try putting a pillow between your legs if you want to get into the habit of favouring your side. This may help you feel better in your hips and lower body.

You may even acquire an orthopaedic knee cushion made of memory foam if you want to be a little more, well, extra.

Second trimester

As your belly grows, ensure your mattress is firm enough that your back doesn’t slump. If yours is too soft, try putting a board between the mattress and the box spring.

Pregnancy pillows may also be of interest to you. They’re available in U or C shapes, and they wrap around your complete body to help you sleep on your side.

You hug the front of the pillow while slipping it between your knees, then position it so that it runs along your back.

Third trimester

Continue to support yourself with a pregnancy pillow. Investigate wedge pillows if you find them too cumbersome with your developing tummy. To keep from rolling, place them behind your belly button and your back.

If you can’t seem to get used to sleeping on your side, elevate your upper body at a 45-degree angle with pillows. You won’t be flat on your back, and it will relieve the compression on your IVC.

Alternatively, books or blocks can raise the head of your bed a few inches.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Q. Is it normal for me to nap during my pregnancy to make up for lost sleep?

A. It’s alright to nap throughout the day, but don’t sleep for too long or too late, as this will disrupt your nighttime sleep.

Q. What is the most comfortable sleeping posture for a pregnant woman?

A. The safest and most comfortable position for sleeping during pregnancy is on one’s side.

Q. Why is sleeping on my back not advised when pregnant?

A. Sleeping on your back can aggravate back pain and put a strain on the main vein that transports blood from your lower body to your heart.

Q. How can I keep myself from being hot at night?

A. Wear lighter sleepwear and keep your bedroom at a cooler temperature. It recommended room temperatures for adult women to be between 60 and 67 degrees Fahrenheit, so aim for the lower end of that range.